Financial Aid: Taking the Next Step

Before enrolling, make appointments to visit the schools you’re considering. Bring a list of questions to ask school representatives. Your education is a major investment, so find out as much information as you can before you enroll. Once you’re enrolled, it’s important that you complete school. Doing so will give you more skills, more job choices, and a higher salary. Also, if you complete your education, it will be easier to pay back any money you borrow. Borrowers who finish school are far less likely to default on their loans than those who don’t finish. Defaulting on a student loan has very serious consequences. Among other consequences, defaulting can:

  • make you ineligible for deferments on your loans
  • make you ineligible for additional student aid
  • damage your credit record, which can interfere with buying what you need, like a car
  • hinder your ability to find a job

But, if you work hard and take advantage of the many programs available to help you keep school costs down and pay for school, you’ll be successful in continuing your education and in pursuing a career.